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Buzz In! - Download

Buzz In! App Picture

The Buzz In! buzzer app is the first virtual network buzzer on the app store to truly be a remote buzzer! Anyone across the world can join your group and compete to be the first one to buzz in. The Buzz In! app differs from other similar apps by not requiring users to be on the same WiFi connection. The app serves as a great tool for playing various game shows (think Family Feud or Jeopardy!) or quiz bowl type competitions.

Do you need a fun way to determine which person buzzes in first in your video trivia game during quarantine?

The idea for this application originated from playing trivia through a video conference with friends and family while everyone quarantined. We needed an unbiased and accurate way to tell which team buzzed in first to answer each question. This application meets that goal and adds a little bit of extra fun for everyone involved.

Technical Details

The buzzer requires at least one host device and one player device in order to use. Only one device should be the host at any point in the game in order to accurately keep track of which player was the first to buzz in.

The host device is able to view the timestamp and order of every player that buzzes in. The host is also able to clear the round to allow for new buzzes.

Each player device can buzz in and celebrate with confetti and exploding tacos whenever they are the first to buzz in.

The Buzz In! app requires an Internet connection for every device in the competition.

Getting Started

Open the app then enter a Group Name and a Player Name. The Group Name needs to match with everyone else playing, so ensure everyone uses the same group (watch out for typos). The Player Name should be the name you would like to use when buzzing in. This name will be shown to the host when you buzz in so make it as creative as you like!

After entering the Group and Player Name fields, go to the Host or Player screen depending on which role you want to be. The host device will need to initiate the group and round by clicking on the "New Round" button before anyone will be allowed to buzz in.

Phone Security App - Download

Phone Security App Picture

For the moments when you need to set your phone down for an extended period of time in a location that may be accessible to strangers. You want to believe the best in everyone, but you also don't want to have your phone stolen. Enter PSA. The Phone Security App is a simple app that monitors motion on your phone via the accelerometer sensor. When the alarm is armed, the app will run in the background monitoring for movement. If movement is detected, then an alarm will sound.
